1. I got hurricaned on and got to work wet and had to put most of my clothes over my colleague's chair and point an electric fan at them. This was less than ideal. 2. Mansfield Park is depressing me because man, when a girl say she really doesn't like someone STOP TRYING TO PRESSURE HER INTO FALLING IN LOVE WITH THEM
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1. Everyone else has finished work now except me, but I still got some chocolate. 2. I also picked up a grouse and four quails because fuck you. 3. Kev has done some really banging preliminary work for the ASAH thing:
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I've just acclimatised myself to the idea of finishing early when my boss says "do you want to work for a couple more weeks", so I get a bit of the money I was supposed to, after all
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Things For Me To Remember in 2014a poem less about leaving a person than about leaving people in general, because i want to climb onto the moon or something. clearly an excellent frame of mind to be in when you have a job interview the next day
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I'm still back-and-forthing on whether or not to do Year of the Ghost and Mortuary Remains. I think if I'm going to not do it I have to stop sitting here not sending out poems, and if I *am* going to do it I need to actually put some thought into the selection process and not have the
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